Import, Exports & Trading Company


Walnuts are rich in nutrients. They provide healthy fats. Walnuts can help with gut and heart health. They help lower blood pressure. They can provide brain health benefits. Walnuts protect against cancer. They play a role in weight management. Walnuts can improve sperm health. Walnut flesh comes in two forms: in their shells or without shells. Due to the processing of meat, it can be whole, half or small pieces. Whole fruits can be eaten on their own (dried, mashed, or dried), or as part of a mixture such as muesli, or as a condiment: e.g. Walnut soup, walnut pie, walnut coffee cake, banana cake, brownies and fudge. Walnuts are usually candied or pickled. Whole-nut roasted walnuts can be sweet or savory depending on the preservation solution.
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